Industrial pipe solutions worldwide


For existing pipes


Insulation and monitoring of any existing pipe on site with mobile PUR unit. The PUR unit is self supported with power generator, compressors and electrical monitoring etc.


New pipes


Insulation and monitoring added as a factory setup. Our Mobile PUR unit is moved inside any pipe production facility. Can be added to ductile- stainless or any other type of steel pipes as well as PE pipes.

Project pipes

Provided by ScanTECH

Project Pipes

From the most modern factories in the world ScanTECH offers the right quality to the right price at the right time. We have a proven track record delivering pipes to projects around the world.



Trenchless Technology

Trenchless technology is also commonly referred to as NO-DIG solutions. CIPP pipes, plastic pipes and hoses that will allow a solution without any disturbance to the surroundings.

Latest from ScanTECH International Ltd.